my forearm hurts.
Evolart's Brutal Santa.
Plus: Graphics and Style were fan-feckin-tastic. yep that's it.
Negitave: My favourite part... The gut punch didnt seem to do much. Where was the upper cut? The game was practically impossible unless you hammered on all the buttons (a,s,d) AND if the mouse was clicking the adversary rappidly... it made my forearm hurt.
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You could have had a higher score if, when you beat the game, there was some sort of winning animation, rather than santa clause with his head down.. It was annoying.. my forearm hurt... i thought i won, but i was lookin at santa clause... with his head down... as if he had lost, or was sad.. like my forearm.
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My favourite character was Rudolf, i think i might have seen him on UFC.
Why did you say mild nudity? I was -- never mind.
BTW that mrs clause.. She brings sexy back.
Jonimator- wants to know why everyone was in love with a greenish-yellow lady, but im sure he'll explain all about his curiosity in HIs review. (his forearms didnt hurt as much as mine)
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what else... *smacking of lips* hmmm No-no i think that's it.
my forearm hurts a little less...
WELL Evolart, thanks for this submission, it was a treat.
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ps you dont need to worry about my f-arm. It'll heal. The real wincer now is my frickin fingers. Cheerio.
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no seriously your game was fun though...